3 bacteria shapes
3 bacteria shapes

  • Heterotrophic bacteria: Most of the bacteria cannot synthesize their own organic food.
  • The hydrogen needed to reduce carbon to organic form comes from sources such as atmospheric H 2, H 2S or NH 3. They derive their carbon from carbon dioxide.
  • Autotrophic bacteria: These bacteria are able to synthesize their own food from inorganic substances, as green plants do.
  • First is autotrophic whereas second is heterotrophic bacteria. On the basis of mode of nutrition, we can group bacteria into two broad categories.


    You can download Biological Classification Cheat Sheet by clicking on the download button below They consequently measure about 0.5-2 mm in length and 3-5mm in diameter. Pili or Fimbriae: Besides flagella, some tiny or small hair-like outgrowths are present on the bacterial cell surface.

    3 bacteria shapes

    These help in bacteria to swim about in the liquid medium. These extend through the cell wall and the slime layer of the flagellated bacterial cells. Flagella: These are fine, thread-like, protoplasmic appendages.They are small circular double-stranded molecules. Plasmids: In addition to the normal DNA chromosomes, many bacteria (e.g., E.coli) have extrachromosomal genetic elements or DNA.

    3 bacteria shapes

    Some kind of typical protein surrounds it. It is double helical as well as circular. Nucleoid: It has other common names like genophore, naked nucleus or incipient nucleus.The organic matter is present in the colloidal state.The cytoplasm is granular due to the presence of a large number of ribosomes. This material consists of vitamins, salts, enzymes, carbohydrates, soluble proteins, co-enzymes, lipids, mineral and nucleic acids. Cytoplasm: The cytoplasm refers to a complex and aqueous fluid or semifluid ground substance (matrix).It is a thin, elastic and also differentially or selectively permeable membrane. It is situated just internal to the cell wall. Plasma membrane: Each bacterial cell has a plasma membrane.We also find D-glutamic acid and diaminopimelic acid. It is made up of polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. Inner to the capsule, the cell wall is present. Therefore, we classify them under plants. are covered by a strong, rigid cell wall. The capsule ‘is usually found in parasitic forms e.g., Bacillus, anthracite, Diplococcus pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria, which form a capsule, are’ called capsulated or virulent bacteria. This slime layer becomes thick, called, capsule. It is composed of polysaccharides and the nitrogenous substances ( amino acids) are also present in addition. Capsule: In a large number of bacteria, a slimy capsule is present outside the cell wall.Budded : The body of the bacterium is swollen at places e.g., Rhodomicrobiu.Stalked : The body of bacterium possesses a stalk e.g., Caulobacter.Examples include Beggiota, Thiothrix etc.

    3 bacteria shapes 3 bacteria shapes

  • Filament: Just like fungal mycelia, the body of the bacterium is filamentous.
  • The spiral forms are usually rigid and bear two or more flagella at one or both the ends e.g., Spirillum, Spirochaetes etc.
  • Spirillum : They are spiral or coiled like a cork­screw.
  • They have a flagellum at one end and are also motile.
  • Vibrios : These are small and ‘comma or kidney’ like.
  • Cocci : They are oval or spherical in shape.
  • Learn more about the Different type of Kingdom Classifications here.
  • The organisms are non-motile or move by the beating of simple flagella or by gliding.
  • The predominant mode of nutrition is absorptive but some groups are photosynthetic (holophytic) and chemosynthetic.
  • Both, ribosomes and simple chromatophores, are the only subcellular organelles in the cytoplasm.
  • They are typically unicellular organisms (but one group is mycelial). The genetic material in these organisms is the naked circular DNA.
  • Monera (Monos – single) includes prokaryotes and shows the following characters:

    3 bacteria shapes