It does require a fair amount of discipline.In this episode, Greg discusses and mentions: Richard Lispey, Peter Steiner, Harvey Rosen (Princeton), John Maynard Keynes, James Tobin, Stanley Fischer, Tom Sargeant, Robert Lucas, Alan Blinder, David Romer, Olivier Blanchard, Janet Yellen, Arthur Pigou, Karl Marx, Adam Smith and John Kenneth Galbraith On Writing Books: In this episode, Greg discusses and mentions: New Keynesian economics, micrcofoundations to macroeconomics, rational expectations, real business cycles, stochastic DSG models, Pigou Tax, carbon tax, externalities, refundable tax credits, subsidies, healthcare, inequality, unintended consequences, student debt and the Baumol disease.
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But given where we’re starting today, I think a little bit more reliance on free markets, individual responsibility and personal liberty will be a good thing – Greg Mankiw. When I take the libertarian party, they seem a little to extreme for me. I sometimes describe myself as a libertarian at the margin. From 2003 to 2005 he served as Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers. In addition to his teaching, research, and writing, Professor Mankiw has been a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, an adviser to the Congressional Budget Office and the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston and New York, and a member of the ETS test development committee for the advanced placement exam in economics. Principles of Economics has sold over two million copies and has been translated into twenty languages.

He has written two popular textbooks-the intermediate-level textbook Macroeconomics and the introductory textbook Principles of Economics. His research includes work on price adjustment, consumer behavior, financial markets, monetary and fiscal policy, and economic growth. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. 111: Greg Mankiw on Writing, Carbon Tax, Health Care and Education at the Economics Teaching Conference in Florida 2016