Sql begin transaction
Sql begin transaction

sql begin transaction

We will place our SQL query statements of INSERT and SELECT queries inside the BEGIN and END keyword as shown in the below code – BEGIN Now, we want to execute three statements in the transact SQL that includes the addition of two records named Karna and Yudhishthira to the students’ table and, upon addition, retrieval of the records of the students’ table. The students’ table contains 14 records in it. The output of the execution of the above query statement is as follows – The structure and contents of the table students can be seen from the output of the following query statement – SELECT * FROM students We will consider one existing table named students that are present inside the database named educba on my SQL server. Let us consider a few of the examples that will make the implementation of BEGIN in SQL clear to you. We can mention the set of statements of SQL inside the BEGIN and END keywords. The statements inside the BEGIN and END are also known as the batch that is executed together. We can mention the statements that we want to execute in a transactional manner inside the BEGIN and END keywords, as shown in the above syntax. The use of BEGIN is mostly done in Transact-SQL, where multiple statements are executed completely in a transactional manner to maintain the consistency of the database operations and ACID properties of the database. Statements to be executed in the batch The following is the syntax of using the BEGIN keyword in SQL, which is accompanied with END for termination of the block of statements – BEGIN In this article, we will learn about the syntax of using the BEGIN keyword in SQL and the END keyword that helps create a logical block of SQL statements with the help of syntax and few examples.

Sql begin transaction