War thunder spitfire squadron update#
It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. With a battle rating of 2.7 (AB), 3.0 (RB), and 2.3 (SB). It's been a while since I played air, but these are what I can remember.The Spitfire Mk Ia is a rank II British fighter In addition, allied teams don't climb together so usually they will be isolated. You can easily out do them by side climbing though (INB4 "Side climbing is a lie") and BnZ them. They have okay turn rates (Not exactly A6M's, but they can come close) and climb well. They're not overpowered, they're rather weak as the Hispano is basically useless because ♥♥♥♥ logic. OP, just play the British tree and see the difference between the BF-109's and Spitfires. The main reason that we won the battle was the fact that we are on a island, and don't have to waste fuel nor worry about crashing into the channel. The Mustang was specifically made for the British IIRC and they also brought a few naval aircraft. There were a few US aircraft if I recall. It was a mixture between the Hurricane doing the bomber hunting and the Spitfire performing against the fighters. Spitfire can't even claim to have definitively won the Battle of Britian. I had to double take on this statement too. Originally posted by Autismo the Wise:Plane that won the war?
War thunder spitfire squadron full#
British don’t get access to 20mm or higher (with the exeption of the one hurricane with the 40mm, which only has 30 rounds anyway and takes a full minute to reload) until about BR 3.7 so don’t worry about being one shot in return unless you’re flying a biplane or other BR 1 plane. The best part is they can’t do the same to you. Anything carrying 20mm or higher will probably take 2 or 3 hits to bring a spitfire or hurricane down. You could knock out the wing of a spitfire with a 7.62mm MG. This makes them suceptable to even low caliber guns. P.S: British planes also have terrible armor, thus the high maneuverability. That’s my rant, I hope you’ve enjoyed and now have some great new advice! If you want to take out a British plane DIVE ON IT. Spitfires and hurricanes are most vulnerable to dive bombing attacks where the attacker dives, shoots, then uses th speed to swing themselves outside of the British planes reach due to the British’s absolutely god-awful climbing rate. If you try to take on a spitfire in a dogfight YOU WILL BE TURNED INTO SWISS CHEESE. A British fighter will outmaneuver an American fighter. A British bomber will outmaneuver a German bomber. Almost any British plane can outperform any other plane in its class. One I fly regularly has 2 40mm cannons on it so don’t say the spitfires are OP.Īnother word of advice, british were BORN for dogfighting. My favorite one has 12 browning machine guns on it and can reach speeds of upwards of 650KM/H. While the armaments are nothing to sneeze at (most have 8 browning machine guns and one even has 12) the hurricanes are mostly better in terms of speed and firepower. Most other planes can outrun a spitfire in a dive, such as the BF109. Note that i play almost exclusivly german and have never played british I play British and Russian and while I can say that spitfires are indeed good, they are slow but make up for it in maneuvering. Originally posted by gordon519:Change my mind